Creaticles (CRE8) Presale Is Now Live, Is It Worth Buying?

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Creaticles (CRE8) IDO is now live on, allowing users to purchase CRE8 tokens for $0.095 per token. Creaticels is a decentralized application looking to connect artists with clients, allowing anyone to crowdsource and deploy an original NFT collection. What exactly is Creaticles? Is it worth buying? Let’s find out. What Is Creaticles? According to their official website, Creaticles allows you to “request any custom NFT, and get it designed and minted.” Creaticles enables you to turn their idea into an actual NFT, taking care of the technical aspects for you. The way it works is users source their NFTs

The post Creaticles (CRE8) Presale Is Now Live, Is It Worth Buying? appeared first on The Merkle News.

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