Polkadot Faces Criticism Over High Spending And Limited Returns In H1 2024

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Polkadot’s financial report for the first half of 2024 revealed expenditures of $87 million (11 million DOTs), with $37 million dedicated to marketing efforts. This substantial spending has drawn criticism from the community, who argue that the returns have not justified the costs. At the current rate of expenditure, Polkadot’s funds are projected to last for about two more years. Polkadot’s financial report for the first half of this year showed that it spent as much as $87 million (11 million DOTs), $37 million of which was spent on marketing. The community criticized the high expenditure for not bringing the

The post Polkadot Faces Criticism Over High Spending And Limited Returns In H1 2024 appeared first on The Merkle News.

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