Ethereum Classic (ETC) Price Prediction; Experts Are Buying Bitcoin Cash (BCH) And Tradecurve (TCRV)

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The crypto market has witnessed a considerable shift in investors’ approach. Now, they are favoring young projects, which are in the presale stage, for making investments. One new project that has been sweeping the entire crypto world with its presale rise is Tradecurve.  Projects like Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Ethereum Classic (ETH) have also tried to rise. However, Tradecurve has surpassed Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Ethereum Classic (ETH) with a big margin, as it is projected to give 100x profit this year. Ethereum Classic’s (ETC) Total Value Locked Slumps The launch of Shanghai Upgrade, and the rise of Ethereum (ETH)

The post Ethereum Classic (ETC) Price Prediction; Experts Are Buying Bitcoin Cash (BCH) And Tradecurve (TCRV) appeared first on The Merkle News.

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