Top 5 Most Popular NFT Marketplaces Built on Ethereum – May 2022

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Ethereum remains the most popular blockchain on the market for launching dApps, DeFi, blockchain games, and NFT marketplaces. Despite its high fees, Ethereum is one of the most battle-tested blockchains available, making it one of the safest and most secure options for developers and users. Today we look at the top five NFT marketplaces on Ethereum, ranked by 30-day trading volume, lowest to highest. 5. OpenPFP – $40 million Launched on March 28th, 2022, OpenPFP is a massive Ethereum NFT marketplace built by the top-rated Metaverse crypto coin Radio Caca. OpenPFP enables the integration of its USM (The United States

The post Top 5 Most Popular NFT Marketplaces Built on Ethereum – May 2022 appeared first on The Merkle News.

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